March 24, 2024
Kenting Stony Brook Nature Farm

Trail Half Marathon

Trail Half Marathon

The information on this page is not yet confirmed, and may be based on the previous years' edition.

The Trail Half Marathon, part of the Asia-Pacific Trail Run Championship, offers a chance to qualify for the XTERRA Trail Run World Championship. This challenging course in Kenting National Park tests athletes with technical obstacles while providing stunning ocean and mountain views in Taiwan's tropical paradise.

Registration opens on
Oct 18
Registration Closes on
Registration Closed


This courses below are not yet confirmed, and subject to change.
Half Marathon Course
21K trail with a mix of technical sections, big climbs, and all-out sprints

Stony Brook Farm → Shi Niu Creek → Mt. Menmaluo → Chih Niu Ling → South Bay platform → Mt.Dashamu → Stony Brook Farm


This schedule is not yet confirmed, and subject to change.
Thu 2024.03.21
Fri 2024.03.22
Sat 2024.03.23
Sun 2024.03.24


This information is not yet confirmed, and subject to change.

🏆 Trophy

Top 3 Overall Male & Female

🏆 Trophy

Duo - Top 1 of Each Group

🏆 Trophy

Top 1 of Each Age Group

Half Marathon Awards

Ranking Male Female
1st USD$300 USD$300
2nd USD$200 USD$200
3rd USD$100 USD$100

Trail Run World Championship Half Marathon Slots Men & Women
































Trail Run World Championship Half Marathon Slots Men & Women































Slots indicated apply equally to male and female divisions. See the complete rules here.

  • Top finishers at the Asia-Pacific Championship race are awarded slots to the XTERRA Trail Run World Championship based on the above age group allocations.

  • Age Group Awards are given to the top finishers in gender and five-year age divisions from 15 to 80 years old.

  • Duo Team Awards are given to the top finishers in the following categories: Male, Female, and Mixed.

  • Special Awards will be given to segment winners. (Best Climber / Downhiller / Sprinter)


The fees below have not yet been confirmed, and are subject to change.


Description Fee
Individual / Early Bird US$110 / US$100
Duo / Early Bird US$220 / US$200
  1. Fee Information

    • All XTERRA Taiwan races are payable in $ USD

    • Online payment with credit card (VISA/ MasterCard/ JCB) is available.

  2. Registration Period:

    Registration ends on December 31st, 2023. All participants will be charged Early Bird registration fees until August 13th.

  3. Before signing up, athletes must take into account the following factors:

    • finished at least one half marathon race.

  4. Notes:

    • Participants must be at least 15 years old in order to participate.

    • Age Groups will be allocated based on age as of December 31, 2024.


The information below may be from a previous edition of the event, and is subject to change.

1. General Rules

    (1) XTERRA Taiwan race numbers and race registration and non-transferable. Participants found racing under a different name will be disqualified.
    (2) If for any reason a participant cannot finish the race, they must report to the finish line area and return their timing chip. This will result in a DNF (did not finish) result.
    (3) All medical expenses incurred during the course of the race or as a result of the race, are the sole responsibility of the participant.
    (4)  MP3 players or any kind of personal music / listening devices with headset are not allowed at any time during the race. Use of a headset will result in disqualification.
    (5) Consider the safety of yourself and other participants at all times during the race. Treat other participants, race officials, race marshals, medical staff, traffic enforcers, and spectators with respect and courtesy before, during and after the race.
    (6) Participants shall refrain from unsportsmanlike conduct, including the improper use of language or conduct directed toward another participant, race official, race marshal, medical staff or traffic enforcer.
    (7) Any protest relating to race results must be submitted in writing to the Race Director within one hour of the final race cutoff.
    (8) In case of severe weather on race day, XTERRA Taiwan reserves the right to make the necessary adjustments to the race course to ensure the safety of all participants. These decisions will be made on race morning and announced at transition and the swim start.
    (9) XTERRA Taiwan reserves the right to make rule changes at any time provided all athletes are notified on the event website.

2. Trail Run Categories and Slots

(1) The XTERRA Trail Run World Series includes half-marathon (15-34km) races.
(2) XTERRA Asia-Pacific Championship provide 116 slots for individual.
(3) Slots awarded for half-marathon races are only valid for Championship races of the same distance category. However, those who have qualified for the half-marathon World Championship race may apply for the full-distance race in cases where a full-marathon race was not available within the region.

3. Segments

(1) Available in select races, segment challenges offer additional series ranking points to the top 20 speedsters, climbers and downhill bombers over defined sections of the course.
(2) Segment challenges will be indicated on the event page, so check the event details, play to your skills, and choose your moment to show what you’re made of.

4. Penalties

    (1) Violators will be disqualified and withdrawn from the race:
        A. Receive food or beverage from others that are not officially approved.
        B. Fail to abide by the directions given by the race marshals.
        C. Not wearing the race number bib on the front.
        D. The race is chip-timed. Athletes must attach their timing chip according to the official athlete guide. If there is no start, finish or checkpoint timing record, the athlete will be disqualified. No certificate will be issued.
        E. Before entering the finish area, the marshals will check the race number bib and timing chip. Running on behalf of others, disrespecting race marshals and any conduct violating the race rules will result in disqualification. Protests will not be accepted.
        F. There will be recording equipment at the start, finish and checkpoints. Should a dispute arise regarding race results on or after the race day, the event organiser will have access to the recordings.
    (2) Violators will be disqualified, banned from the XTERRA Taiwan race for three years and listed on the official XTERRA website:
        A. No assistance other than that offered by race and medical officials may be used.
        B. Not racing in the registered name or group.
        C. Unsportsmanlike-Like Conduct: Foul, harsh, argumentative or abusive language or other unsportsmanlike conduct directed at race officials, volunteers, spectators or fellow athletes is forbidden.

5. Timing System

    (1) When checking-in, athletes will receive a timing chip. All participants must return their timing chips at the exit of the finish area. Those who do not return their timing chips will be charged NT$3,600.
    (2) Timing Chip Placement: please read the athlete guide or follow the instruction of the staff.
    (3) The official start time will be the gun time. The race result will be based on the time when the athlete passes the timing mat at the finish line. The split times will be shown on the electronic certificate.
    (4) Athletes must pass the timing mats throughout the racecourse. If there is no start, finish or checkpoint timing record, the athlete will be disqualified. No certificate will be issued.

6. Miscellaneous

    (1) Safety
          A. Make sure you can physically cover the distances in each leg of your trail run. The race marshals and medical personnel have the right to stop the athlete from racing. No protest will be accepted.
          B. If you have ever experienced the following conditions or diseases, you are within the high risk group for sudden death. Please consult a doctor for their professional opinion and refrain from attending the race against their recommendation. Unspecified chest pains, unspecified causes of breathing difficulties, dizziness from unknown causes, sudden loss of consciousness, high blood pressure, heart disease, renal dysfunction, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, have a family history of heart disease, or epilepsy.

7. Insurance

    (1) This event provides competitors with public accident insurance (all terms and details of the insurance are as detailed in the contract with the insurance company), the coverage range includes the inside of the competition venue, and includes competitors, staff, and spectators. Competitors are also encouraged to take out additional insurance as needed.
    (2) In the event of a force majeure, such as a typhoon before the competition, the event organiser has the right to decide whether or not to cancel the event or change the routes for the safety of the competitors. The event organisers will announce any such changes publicly & immediately.
    (3) Participants must follow the directions placed along the race routes and abide any traffic rules or instructions from traffic controllers. All traffic signs must also be followed. Please pay attention to road and traffic conditions throughout the duration of the race as well as before and after.
    (4) Please fill in the registration forms carefully, you will be responsible for any loss of insurance coverage due to incorrect information written on your registration form.
     (5) Public Accident Insurance Coverage: If while under insurance coverage, an accident involving the insured person results in the injury, loss of property, or disability of a third-person, the insured shall be liable for the damages.
     (6) Under these circumstances, when the insured files for compensation with the insurance company, the insurance company's coverage plan includes the following:
          A. Up to NT$5 million for each injury, or disability.
          B. For all additional every accidents resulting in bodily harm, or disability: NT$50 million.
          C. For every accident involving loss of property: NT$5 million.
          D. Maximum compensation for accidents occurring during the duration of the coverage plan: NT$110 million
      (7) Special Terms & Conditions Not Covered
          A. Sports injuries resulting from personal illnesses.
          B. Symptoms resulting from personal conditions or cardiovascular disease such as shock, heart diseases, diabetes, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, mountain sickness, epilepsy, dehydration, etc., the insurance company is not responsible for injuries caused by personal illnesses. The public accident insurance plan only covers injury due to outside factors.
          C. If a competitor has a history of illness and disease as described in the second provision, it is recommended that they carefully consider his or her own safety and the purchasing of personal accident insurance.
          D. If you have ever experienced the following conditions or diseases, you are within the high risk group for sudden death. Please consult a doctor for their professional opinion and refrain from attending the race against their recommendation.Unspecified chest pains, unspecified causes of breathing difficulties, dizziness from unknown causes, sudden loss of consciousness, high blood pressure, heart disease, renal dysfunction, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, have a family history of heart disease, or epilepsy.

8. Disclaimer

    (1) The event organisers will assist competitors that experience bodily harm or loss of property during the course of the competition in receiving insurance compensation, unless the competitor has already obtained compensation from another claim or is not eligible for compensation for any reasons as specified in the insurance contract.
    (2) In these circumstances, the competitor may not file for damages or request compensation from the event organisers in any way.
    (3) By completing registration for the race, competitors agree to abide by all provisions and rules set for this event by the event organisers.

If you have any questions, please contact XTERRA Taiwan:
TEL: +886-2-2790-7319


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