XTERRA Certified Coach

Marc Pschebizin

Mertesdorf, Germany

XTERRA Certified

Diplom Sportwissenschaftler

High Level Coaching Experience

18 years of coaching Experience with Pro and Age Group athletes in Triathlon, Running, Biking

20 year of professional triathlon racing and 10 time Winner of Inferno Triathlon Switzerland

3 time XTERRA World Champs Maui finisher (best 10. place) in pro field from 1999-2002, XTERRA Australia tour 2. place 2002.

2 times top 50 finisher in pro field Ironman World Champs Hawaii 2007 and 2009 Head-Coach of the Triathlon Bundesliga Team PSD Bank Tri Post Trier

Coaching of 6 Time German XTERRA Champion Jens Roth since 10 years

Coaching of XTERRA Age Group Vice World Champion and German Champion Timo Spitzhorn

Coaching of 4 time Ironman World Champion (Ag) Katrin Esefeld

My coaching philosophy is to give my own experience and knowledge of 20 years in professional triathlon racing to my athletes and clients. With the key of performance diagnostic we get this little step further towards an optimal coaching process.  We love and learned the sport from the beginning on and try to give this passion and love for the sport to our athletes and clients.


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